2009年12月7日 星期一

假如Red Bull送我一對翼

•Fun + work = good work! 是我們的宗旨。

•假如Red Bull真的送我一對翼,我希望有人會buy我的「飛行戰翼」。
•為著這些沒有見光就偷偷死去的、我的、由一大堆心機堆砌而成的 headline

2009年11月4日 星期三

假如Red Bull送我一對翼

•在這個Visual Driven 的世界裡面,管字的要花上更加多的心機以及運氣方可被注意到。

2009年10月29日 星期四



2009年10月15日 星期四


1. 出來做嘢個幾月,仍在校的朋友好奇問我,到底喺做嘢好呀還是讀書好,我不想裝出一副很世故的嘴臉跟人家分析「返學很自由,返工可以掙錢」這些人人明白的道理。對我來說,返工好嘆,(可能因為我個pose太hea),我懷念讀書時候的自己。不用我例舉出一大堆原因說讀書的日子有多好,反正以後你自會明白。

2. 有時候我會覺得自己的工作前景好暗淡,在這個visual drive的世界裡,廣告裡頭的字越寫越小,佔的空間越來越細。誰說的visual跟headline是孖生好兄弟?觀眾的口味自然告訴你,誰是主,誰只會是客。因而有人說,做copywriter,一生就只等一個機會,在等一個機會,讓你的headline傳得街知巷聞。

3. 個個product都話要做到premium,你出街見到個個女人都一樣樣呀,你仲會唔會認為依個世界有靚女。我唔要靚女,俾番性格我。

4. 繁文美學還是留待徵文寫詩,正如好嘅紅酒喺要留番俾識得欣賞嘅人。

2009年9月28日 星期一



2009年9月9日 星期三



2009年8月5日 星期三

2009年7月23日 星期四

A trip to Canberra

Life in Sydney is a little bit boring, usually I don’t hang out late in weekdays, because we have to get up early next day. Some of my friends even sleep at 10:00 pm here while they usually sleep at 2am in HK.

So I really look forward to weekends, that we have time to explore this city deeply. Visiting museums or going to Sunday markets are also the good choice. Or you can plan a trip outside city.

A few weeks ago, we went to the capital city, Canberra. Unlike Sydney and Melbourne, Canberra does not carry long history background, so not many people would know this city very well.

Why Canberra to be the capital city? There is a little story I heard from my colleague. When Australia had to set up her capital city, New South Wales and Victoria competed to be the capital state strongly, most of the people could not decide which state is better, finally they chose a place between NSW and Victoria, that’s Canberra.

Canberra is a quite city with lovely sunshine, shining silver trees, low-rise house and hundreds of pigeons, most people who live in Canberra are working for the federal government, you can see beautiful new and old parliament houses in Canberra. Unluckily, we did not come in their sitting period, so we can’t see people debating in the chambers.

But instead we met a young British girl in our youth hostel, she has travelled four months from Britain, Africa to Australia, we all felt excited about her journey, how she lived in the middle of Africa. We even teach her to play Chinese card game. That’s a happy cold night in Canberra, but fulfilled with our laughing in the house.

2009年7月21日 星期二

Who looks similar to you?

Has it happened to you? When you firstly meet some new friends, even at the first glance, they are going to tell you ‘oh, you really look alike my friend, xxx..’

Usually I wonder ‘how much do we look alike? ’ ‘Well, you two just like the missing twins!’ they continue to say. ‘ha ha’ what the only thing I can do is laughing. I don’t mind looking similar to your friends, but later they continue to tell me ‘I don’t like her (the one looks similar to me), because…’
Frankly speaking, I don’t wish to know another Me’ s fault, and it’s not fair to apply them to me. I wonder if there are many people look like you, how can people remember which one is the correct ‘Me’, or what do I leave in your mind? A strong personality would help, perhaps.

2009年7月14日 星期二

Risk or safe?

In fact, life in Sydney is quite boring, everyday get up at 7:45 am, then rush to office, usually my colleagues give me lots of work, so I have to stay late to finish my daily stuff. When I arrive home, I have to cook and wash, watch TV, then go to bed, sometimes I have to bring my typing to work at home.

Once I asked my colleague, Leslie ‘I want some excitement in Sydney, can you suggest some places to me to go? ’. Leslie was a flight-attendance in the past ten years, she has been to lots of countries, and I though I chose the right person. ‘Oh, frankly speaking, if you want some excitement, you have to put you in the risk, more dangerousness you get, higher emotion you can reach.’ ‘But you can’t find lots of dangerousness in OZ, that’s why I choose to live here! I like safe and peace’

I don’t know, perhaps our thought would be change frequently according to our age, we dream to have an unusual life in teenagers, but maybe some day, when we grow up, we are satisfied with everyday’s stable work. Then we are all used to be the bored people. Somebody would say it is the true of our life, I am not going to argue with you, but I really want to know how can I escape from this kind of truth.

2009年7月9日 星期四

Working with politicians

Being an internship student in Parliament House is not an easy work, I work with Dr. Gordon Moyes, a member of the legislative council in Sydney. He used to be a member of the Christian Democratic Party, but he had divorced with the party just a month ago before I arrived. Then they have to move to a temporary office, where I don’t have my own computer, and even a desk. Luckily I have brought my own laptop with me, and use a small table for typing.

Most of the legislators would hire two staff, one is the speech writer, and the other would be the secretary. My job duties, of course, would be an assistant with their large workload, so I have to pick up all mails for Dr. Gordon Moyes, post mails, filling, type books, maintain Dr. Moyes’ website, greet guests in some functions as well as sit in the chamber to hear what they are debating for the bills (that’s cool for me!). I enjoy sitting in the chamber, then I can recognize most of the faces of Sydney’s political leaders, how their legislative system operate, how the government deal with the opposite parties. Once I heard the opposition say “excellent rubbish!” to describe the treasury minister during debating, I can’t help to bursting into laughing, you just imagine there is another ‘long hair’ sitting the chamber and biting with the governors, isn’t it funny to watch?

And my supervisor is a very strong and talent young lady, she is graduated from University of Sydney, the Political and Economic major, she can handle lots of things at the same time, surely have to work under high pressure. She is also the speech writer for Gordon, that means she has to catch up the latest news quickly and analyze them deeply. At the first week here, Maria (my supervisor) told me to speak loudly, to be tough and confident! Although I don’t think my voice is too soft, I respect all the advice she gives me. My another colleague, Leslie, is a gentle and elegant lady, she speaks slowly and softly, that’s why I love her so much. It’s easier for me to pick up Leslie’s words rather than Maria’s. But the one I love most in office is our legislator, Dr. Gordon Moyes, a wise old man who talks Bible stories with me a lot. He is very busy, but he still remembered to bring me some postcards from his far way home.

I love working in the Parliament House, although I am always very busy, and have to stay late. The only inconvenience is lack of time for my own writing……

2009年7月2日 星期四

Rainbow outside the plane

Haven’t uploaded my lovely blogger for a month, life without writing makes me empty, it’s better to write more about my journey in Australia.

I flied to Sydney on 16th June, that’s my b-day. To me, the perfect time to escape from Hong Kong is my birthday, it’s not because I don’t like Hong Kong. Instead I love it so much! But I wanna make my birthday especial and memorable.

This summer I would stay in Australia for 2 months, and have an internship in the Parliament House of Sydney, a historical building with lots of art works, you know I love art! So you can imagine how I love this workplace!

On the flight to Sydney I saw a huge rainbow in front of me, that’s amazing! We even flied over it. The first time I saw a rainbow on aeroplane, then I know that, I must have a great journey.

2009年6月14日 星期日




new born baby





2009年6月5日 星期五



不是第一次發現快樂並不在乎遊戲的本身,看你遇上什麼樣的人。選擇在某個時候玩曾經玩過的遊戲,時間付予我們一份意義。一個階段的過去,明天將會如何,我們有著大概的期盼,然而每當提及的時候又覺得有點模糊。 即使再模糊,與一年後的自己對話,好讓這一刻的千絲萬縷被記下。





2009年5月22日 星期五

ChEeRs ~~

一直認為大學畢業是一件值得開香檳慶祝的事,最想搞一個cocktail party,有我喜愛的Vodka加橙汁,然後就是Baileys加朱古力奶,放上大大的冰粒。有我最喜歡的大學同學,我會很高興。



2009年4月26日 星期日


「這是一個最好的時代,也是一個最壞的時代。」─ 查理士狄更斯

2009年4月20日 星期一




(後記: 但是我覺得尋找工作比起做功課,更容易讓人感到疲累。)

2009年4月18日 星期六

Honours Project










一、亞慧 ----- 轉變中的好爸爸
二、亞華 ----- 陌生的父親
三、亞峰 ----- 有錢的爸爸
四、亞彬 ----- 默默工作的父親
五、亞碟 ----- 媽媽口中的壞爸爸
六、亞如 ----- 發現爸爸更加多
七、亞桐 ----- 從遊戲中淡出的爸爸
八、亞雄 ----- 爸爸多說說話吧









2009年3月28日 星期六

Hon pro的教訓


不過,點都要出架,要返學嘛,我唔想因為寫thesis skip曬d堂呀……鬼咩,依個時間人人都交thesis既first draft,我先開始動筆寫。原來我係烏龜來架,磨來磨去都凈係得果幾隻字。

(不如你瞓覺啦)月尾要交first draft比城城….<呵欠中>
(你話啦,今次個教訓係咩呀…)城城對我太好,自己做野太慢…… <頂唔順,一定要瞓覺>

2009年3月21日 星期六

My Photo Board



2009年3月18日 星期三


溢滿半空的氣味 記起你
嘗試去憶起故地 太依稀 Woo
乍短的偶遇 長久的隔開 難以置想確實曾相處
雙方似並行直線 從交叉角度相遇
但怕要呼吸那份 陌生味
乍短的偶遇 長久的隔開 難以去置想往日曾相處
雙方似並行直線 從交叉角度相遇
又想過 重遇應該不錯
卻清楚 就算再遇卻怎麼 時地已過
雙方似並行直線 從交叉角度相遇
終於會愈行愈遠 時機走過勒不住
17度 謝安琪


2009年3月9日 星期一


S: K,你係時候收手啦,唔好成日玩Facebook,得閑睇多d reading仲好過啦,你份thesis一隻字都未寫過呀,你好似一d都唔心急甘,我反而在替你擔心呀……..
K: 我都唔想架,我已經戒左玩網上小遊戲,唔係連Facebook都要戒係嘛?

S: 唔係話唔玩得,不過要適可而止囉。
K: 我試過唔玩Facebook,click 下 click下,click左去google map,又係一個好玩的玩意,好似之前有Poladroid。又買左新相機,冇理由唔玩架,係咪先?

S: 有邊樣你覺得唔好玩架? 喂,你甘落去thesis會F架喎!
K: 我就算遠離電腦,手多多開左顏色,又會走左去畫畫…

S: 我覺得你是在逃避寫thesis呀,點解會甘架? 每個同學都要寫架喎。
K: 我有試過好努力做架,而且訪問左5個cases,但係做完interview 之後就唔想再做落去…

S: 點解呢?
K: 每個case的variation都甘大,我點做分析呀? 有時候我唔係唔想做,而是根本唔知應該點做,而且訪問結果同hypothesis 都唔一樣,係咪literature個part要重新做過 ?

S: 這個問題….我唔知點答你喎。
K: ……..

2009年3月8日 星期日

Field Trip IN Wan Chai

2009年3月4日 星期三

New Paintwork

Are my paints childish?
keep trying to add variety in colours

2009年3月2日 星期一

湯唯 in Cosmopolitan
